RETURNING TO LIFE – The Value and Worth of Every Human Being



Why is a question we ask ourselves all the time.  Occasionally, we gain the courage to invite others into our why questions as well, though it is a courageous act to be sure!  We start asking the why questions from as early as we can speak and I suspect we don’t stop asking the why questions until we take our final breath.

Why, it seems, is part of our DNA.

I confess that I have been deeply disturbed by events that have taken place this past week.  I am disturbed by events taking place around the world; I am disturbed by events taking place in our neighbouring country; I am disturbed by events taking place right here in my own community.  And I have been asking myself many why questions along the way.

   Amongst the heaviest of these why questions (though there are many heavy questions to be answered) is this:

Why is the human race so often cruel to one another and why are we both capable and willing to harm others for our own personal gain?

There are likely many answers to these questions, and to be sure, humanity is also capable of great kindness and compassion.  But even our ability to produce both good and evil begs the question of why?

With a mind to developing youth and the intensity in which they are forming their identity, let me present just two important beliefs that are foundational to healthy development:

1.  We are broken.  Now this is not the typical, feel good messaging that we often tell our youth.  Our society much prefers “strength based” approaches and calling out the good in our young people.  I agree with this completely and a huge part of my role is to be an encourager of youth.  That said, young people look around the world and they see that it is broken … and they are actually quick to identify a brokenness within as well.  Denying this, or the unwillingness to admit this, actually hinders the development of our youth.  As adults, and as a society, stepping into our own brokenness and stepping into their brokenness is absolutely vital.  What does that look like?  Well, that will be another blog, but there is good news to be found even in our brokenness.

2.  Every human being on the planet is created in the image of God and therefore, has immeasurable value and worth.  Once again, teens are asking the deeper questions, which are often the why questions.  This is the great answer to why every human being on the planet should be treated with dignity and respect.  Let me say with as much clarity as I can possibly say it:  If your beliefs, whether they are religious or personal, position you as having greater value or worth than any other human being on the planet, you are wrong!  Having a foundational “why” to the question of other people’s value and worth is essential to raising up youth that treat others with dignity and respect.

So much more to say, but we’ll leave it there for now!
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts!

As we explore these things over the coming weeks, I would like to invite your participation in two ways:

  1. I invite you to dialogue with us and join the conversation.  We all learn more in community, so press in, ask questions, challenge assumptions, and let’s take this journey together.
  2. I invite you to invest in our youth by participating in our Spring Fundraiser.  We are on the front lines of serving youth in our community and we are the only dedicated youth drop-in centre in Milton.  We are 100% donor funded and all of our funding comes from people like you, who care about community, who care about young people, and who care about the future.

Finally, for those who don’t know us well, RE:SOUL Youth Centre is a faith-based organization and we are a program of Southwestern Ontario Youth for Christ.  For some, knowing we are a faith-based organization creates both trust and affinity.  However, we also know that for others being faith-based creates both suspicion and aversion.  I recognize and understand both responses.  However, as we say to the teens all the time at the youth centre, “You don’t have to agree with us to be with us!”  So I would simply once again invite you to take the journey with us.  We all have much to learn from one another!


RE:SOUL Spring Fundraiser

Sincerely, and with gratitude,

Michael Burns
RE:SOUL Youth Centre / YFC Milton