RETURNING TO LIFE – A Community Voice

By: Nicole Currie

Guest Blog by: Nicole Currie

Why do I think you should support RE:SOUL Youth Centre?

I’ve lived in Milton most of my life and it has grown beyond what I ever imagined.

I remember back to Junior High and High School here and not being a huge fan of either.  My parents were going through a divorce and the youth group at our church was my safe space.  However, as I travel around town today, I wonder if kids aren’t loving the school scene, and they aren’t affiliated with sports or a youth group, where is their safe space?

Not all kids want to be squeezed into a category … sports, music, techies, arts, etc., so where do they go to get that same connection?  I believe kids today more and more don’t want to be categorized, but they do want to belong somewhere!  They want to find their people!  Having a place where they can go to hangout, be heard, be themselves and get some direction if they want or need it is an essential service that Milton needs.

We all talk about giving back, supporting our community, making Milton a better place to live … and I believe it starts with the youth.  When a teenager is supported and encouraged, they will live up to their full potential.  Milton needs RE:SOUL to expand and be this place to even more kids.

Please consider giving generously to their Spring Fundraiser and help this amazing place support the youth in our community!

Nicole Currie
Active Member in the Milton Community
YFC Milton Steering Committee Member


RE:SOUL Spring Fundraiser

As we explore these things over the coming weeks, I would like to invite your participation in two ways:

  1. I invite you to dialogue with us and join the conversation.  We all learn more in community, so press in, ask questions, challenge assumptions, and let’s take this journey together.
  2. I invite you to invest in our youth by participating in our Spring Fundraiser.  We are on the front lines of serving youth in our community and we are the only dedicated youth drop-in centre in Milton.  We are 100% donor funded and all of our funding comes from people like you, who care about community, who care about young people, and who care about the future.

Finally, for those who don’t know us well, RE:SOUL Youth Centre is a faith-based organization and we are a program of Southwestern Ontario Youth for Christ.  For some, knowing we are a faith-based organization creates both trust and affinity.  However, we also know that for others being faith-based creates both suspicion and aversion.  I recognize and understand both responses.  However, as we say to the teens all the time at the youth centre, “You don’t have to agree with us to be with us!”  So I would simply once again invite you to take the journey with us.  We all have much to learn from one another!

Sincerely, and with gratitude,

Michael Burns
RE:SOUL Youth Centre / YFC Milton