By: Michael Burns


Merriam-Webster defines polarization as a state in which the opinions, beliefs, or interests of a group or society no longer range along a continuum but become concentrated at opposing extremes.  In my humble opinion, this describes with precision the current state of our society … and it’s hurting our children and our youth!

For as long as I can remember, this has been true in the realm of politics. It is a rarity for one political party to acknowledge anything good in another political party, and even those leaders who say they want to change the way politics are done end up defaulting to partisan ways.  I have always found this disappointing and it no doubt sets a poor example for our youth.

But these sharp divisions have moved well beyond the realm of politics and have found a home in just about every social issue of our day.  Respectful dialogue and an appreciation for nuance has been traded in for rhetoric, name calling, absolute (or black and white) thinking, and ultimately division.  We’re living in a society that pats itself on the back with one hand for promoting diversity, while pushing people away with the other hand if they disagree with you. 

What concerns me even more is an education system that seems more intent on teaching young people what to think rather than teaching them how to think.  I suppose this is always a danger when there is a power imbalance, but make no mistake about it, our education system is fully engaged in teaching our kids not just reading and writing, but what they should believe as it pertains to social issues.

To be clear (and to be true to the spirit of this blog) I’m not highlighting any particular issue and I’m not offering my opinion on any specific issue either.  What I’m saying is that a society, or even groups within a society, that demand intellectual allegiance and leave no room for questions or critical thinking, are dangerous and lead to division – not diversity. 

So how does this effect our young people?  Here’s my short list:

1.  It silences them.  I cannot tell you the number of teens who tell me there’s no way they’d speak up at school or online for fear of being verbally attacked or ostracized.  They have learned that if you’re not in majority, it’s better to stay quiet.

2.  It undermines critical thinking.  When you’re told what you should believe and not given the freedom ask questions or challenge assumptions, it becomes dogma.  Critical thinking is a skill and needs to be taught.

3.  It contradicts the world they live in and creates confusion, not clarity. Anyone that has spent anytime on our planet knows that life is not black and white.  Learning to live with and accept the grey areas of life is part of the maturation process.

4.  It undermines true diversity.  When we equate (or co-relate) agreement with acceptance and disagreement with rejection, we artificially create division.  Our young people need better teaching and good examples of unity amongst diversity.  Simply put, I do not need to agree with my neighbour in order to love them.

When I consider the enormity of this issue, it’s difficult to know how we’d even begin to right the ship.  Sometimes looking at the big picture can be overwhelming.  What I choose to focus on is my own circle of influence and where I can effect positive change.  This certainly starts with my own children, and of course, how we dialogue about issues at the youth centre.  When we positively influence a young person, we positively influence the future!