By: Michael Burns

“It’s OK to not be OK” … but it’s not OK to stay that way!

There has been an important shift in our culture that has both encouraged and validated the truth that we are not always “okay”.  In fact, I would dare say this has been one of the most positive movements in our society over the last few decades.  One of the most refreshing aspects of working with young people today is the absence of pretence and their willingness to admit when they are less than okay.

What’s concerning though is a narrative that says, “It’s okay to not be okay” but stops there.  This is a wonderful beginning but a terrible ending and too many young people are getting stuck here.  More and more I find myself speaking with teens who wonder if they’ll ever be “okay” and some who even wonder if, “It’s okay to be okay.”

Here is what I see to be a better way and a preferred narrative for our young people:

1.  It’s okay to be okay.  As intuitive as this sounds, it’s important for young people to hear it.  No one should ever feel guilty for personal health and well-being.

2.  It’s also okay to not be okay.  Admitting our struggles, our shortcomings, and our shame – what I could call our brokenness – is not only acceptable but absolutely vital.  This is almost always the starting point for positive change.  To note, admitting illness (if diagnosed) is equally important.

3.  Seeking help is a sign of strength and not weakness.  Pride continues to get in the way of so many and the idea that, “I can do this on my own” often hinders growth.  Life is meant to be lived in community, which is why having relationships of trust are so important.

4.  True health is holistic.  We cannot compartmentalize our lives or neglect certain areas and expect to thrive.  We must address the whole person – socially, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

5.  Life and life to the fullest is real and obtainable.  This doesn’t mean that everything in our lives will go well, or that we’ll always be doing well, but there is a vitality to life that we can take hold of and it comes from deep within.  In fact, Jesus said this was the very reason he rubbed shoulders with humanity.  Check out John 10:10 if you don’t believe me!

It is OK to not be OK … but it is not OK to stay that way!  This is an important message that our young people need to hear.  And perhaps even more than hearing it, they need examples in their lives that demonstrate that life and life to the fullest are indeed possible!




Sincerely and with gratitude,

Michael Burns

Director | RE:SOUL Youth Centre